Monday, January 23, 2017

Winter 2017

Hello friends, here's the update from the UK...

In December we had the opportunity to sing Christmas carols on all of the wings at HMP Humber prison.  We started at 8:30 in the morning and wrapped up at 5:30 in the afternoon.  It was a bit of a marathon but it was an absolute blessing to be able to bring a little bit of the light and love of Christ into the darker places where these men spend the majority of their daily lives.  The prisoners enjoyed it and it brought a lightness to the atmosphere.  We also sang Christmas carols for an event at the Village of Stamford Bridge which is about 10 miles from York.  Pastor Dave has a passion to reach the towns and villages of Yorkshire and this was another opportunity for us to bring the love of Jesus to one of these communities.

UK Driving License
By the grace of God I passed my UK driving test.  The practical (road) test lasts 40 minutes and is quite easy to fail.  I needed to pass it by February 1st in order to keep driving so a big thank you to all who prayed!  Thank you Jesus.

USA Visit
It was a blessing to be able to spend time with friends and family in New Jersey over the Christmas holidays.  I had the opportunity to teach and share about what the Lord is doing in the UK at my home church (Calvary Chapel Gateway) while I was there.

Bible College
Preparations are in full swing for the spring 2017 semester which kicks off February 3.  I will be teaching verse by verse through the book of Acts.  It looks like we will have close to 50 students this semester, which is quite an increase from the past few semesters.

Hull Outreach
The weekly Bible study continues in Hull.  Please pray for wisdom in reaching out to the city and that the Lord would grant doors of utterance to proclaim the message of the gospel (Col. 4:3).  Pray for a man named Scott with whom I shared the gospel the other day.  Last week I was able to sit down and have coffee with the pastor of one of the other churches in Hull.  It was a really good meeting and he expressed the need for other churches to be planted in Hull.  Pray for the Lord’s will to be done in this great city. As I have mentioned in previous posts, Hull has received the designation of “UK City of Culture” for 2017 and the events have begun which celebrate this, bringing many visitors to the city.  Hull has a rich maritime history but the recent completion of the Siemens factory marks a new era as wind turbine parts begin to roll off the assembly line.  One of the blades measuring 246 feet is currently on display in the city center.  These massive turbines will be assembled in the North Sea where they will generate electricity for the UK.  But more than electricity, we need a move of the Holy Spirit! (Zech. 4:6)

Wind turbine blade in Queen Victoria Square

Outreach in Hull city center

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